Resume and History

Hello.  As the curator of this website, and crazed owner of most of the equipment pictured, I have decided to include a page of my own personal history in the electronics field for your viewing pleasure.  Warning:  If you read all of this, there will be no way to recover the time you spent in doing so.

I may expand on this later for history, or in case anyone wants to press charges.  Who knows.  It's an exercise.

So here goes.  I'll begin with a listing of the basic experience/positions/jobs I've held in getting to this point.

BBTV - Various, Ohio - I taught myself electronics, and then radio and TV repair, while a Junior in high school.  I ran an informal, and later formal, repair shop out of my parents' basement at the time.  Later, after graduation, I eventually moved the shop to my apartment where it flourished for several years, while moving with me a few times and finally landing in a leased home where it was active until I shut it down.  Apparently I got tired of dealing with "the consumer" and moved on into broadcast electronics. Or perhaps the combination of home/shop was just too much.  I don't recall anymore :). Don't try it lol.  If you do, make sure it's a ground level apartment or home.

During this period, I was also pretty active in automotive mechanics, racing, and was pretty much the go-to gearhead of the high school if someone created a problem souping up their car, that they could not fix themselves.  Ignition wires replaced in the wrong order, stuff like that. :). I only remember this one because I heard them coming from several blocks away.  I built and drag raced (a few times) a 396/427 '67 Malibu SS.  I wish I had all that money back.

Some specific employers, and description of jobs.  Looking back at it now, at the semi-retired age of 67 (it's 2019), I must have had a lot more energy back then.  These are in chronological order as nearly as I can remember now.  I didn't keep very good records apparently.

Maryland Radio and TV - Mayfield, Ohio.  Part time/contract job as shop and field TV service with a non-compete understanding by geographical area, since I also had my own business still going.

Cleveland Health Museum - Cleveland, Ohio.  Full time position,  Designer, technician, builder, and service..  Designed, built, and maintained automatic display control processors. (ha! using RELAYS of all types.  Steppers, shorting, hold/dump, you name it).  Also jack of all trades in facility maintenance, exhibit construction etc.  I wish I had photos of that period in my history.  Maybe some will appear some day.
  I had the good fortune of being employed there during the construction of exhibits for both our new wings at the time, and some outside museums such as a Health Museum in Houston.  Built the control systems and shipped them out.

Visual Techniques - Cleveland, Ohio.  Engineer/technician.  We did large scale, multi screen and multi format Corporate Meeting productions staged in the USA and around the world.  I was the "home base" support guy during the overseas productions.  Slides (up to 12 synchronized projectors) integrated with 16mm film and multitrack audio.  Stuff like that. See sidebar (coming soon) about my experience with airport security in the 70s. :)

Harpster Audio-Visual - Medina, Ohio.  Service Manager and (unfortunately) simultaneous bench tech.  Hey, we multitasked back in those days.  16mm film projectors, 35mm slide projectors, language labs, reel to reel audio and video recorders, eventually 3/4" VCR's, cameras etc.

Fryan Audio-Visual, Willoughby, Ohio.  Pretty much same as above for Harpster.

Broadcast Video - Chief Engineer and service manager.  Sales and installation of industrial, commercial, and broadcast facilities.

Midwest Teleproductions - Richfield, Ohio Coliseum.  Live and Closed Circuit In house broadcast facility for televising Cavs Basketball, Force Soccer, and the occasional concert.  The studio also televised every in house event to the 35' large screens in the arena, projected upon by the fascinating Eidophor projectors (see sidebar).  $250k each, at the time.  Today I can only imagine what they would cost.  The control room was full featured with 6 cameras, a disk slo-mo, eventually several 1" tape slo mo's, and an editing suite.  Also a complete film chain.  I started this job as technician, then moved on to chief engineer when the existing one moved, and no one else wanted the job.  Interesting, but a huge commitment of time. We eventually built a remote truck and did sports television for hire all over Ohio, including Cleveland Indians, Big Ten football (5 state area) etc.

Spectrum Video - Willoughby, Ohio.  Chief Engineer.  Video post production facility using state of the art gear (for the time).  Two full edit rooms with CMX editors, Beta, 3/4, and 1" tape.  Dubner and Ampex graphics, Ampex and Abekas DVE, GVG 300 switchers with

Classic Video

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